Make patients
choose You

Your services matter. But what is also vital for patients when choosing dental professionals is their professional image and credibility. Differentiating yourself and standing out from other professionals is essential for patients to choose you.

We are here to provide you with a multifunctional tool you need to:

Build your professional profile in one place

Fully completed information on your profile will rank you higher in search results and will lead to more profile visits.

What matters to patients?

Fully completed information on your profile will rank you higher in search results and will lead to more profile visits.

Step by step
with our guided support 

Step by step
with our
guided support 

Let your patients book appointments online 24/7

Make it easy for your patients to find time slots based on their availability.

Did You know that *

* Sources: GetApp, Kyruus, Accenture


The latest research from Google shows that patients are searching are going online to examine their health care options:

77% of prospective patients do their research through search engines online

appointments book daily

Be among the first to enjoy Dentigi’s benefits for free 

Starting in 2022

Dental academy

On our platform you will find courses on personal branding, dental marketing, or customer relationship management.

Professional networking

Meet your colleagues and become part of the community.

Supplier discounts

Get the tools you need for a friendlier price.

How can I join?

We are working hard to offer you all the benefits in the next few months. Once the platform is launched (Autumn, 2022) and becomes accessible for
patients you will receive 3 months membership free of charge.
All you have to do is subscribe now.